How Does a Water Filtration System Work?

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Ever seen how a train picks up more and more travelers on the journey until it reaches the desired destination? Well, guess what? The water that comes out of your tap does the same if it’s not filtered correctly.

From a natural source, the water is diverted towards the earth’s surface to reach your tap. On the journey, it picks up dirt, sediments, contaminants, chemicals, and so on. All the toxic stuff!

So, to get rid of those particles once and for all, we use a water filtration system, yep. But how does a water filtration system work? If you have the same question, then sit tight to know more about these processes that we’re going to show you straight away.

Stay tuned!

Why Do We Need Filtration?

As we’ve mentioned earlier, water gets contaminated in the process of reaching the taps, it becomes unhealthy for drinking. And we all know chlorine water is harmful to health when it comes to taking a shower or washing off something.

Besides, the water tastes bad, smells awkward, and might consist of germs that can do some pretty good damage to your health.

The chlorine mixed water can damage the home equipment as well as leave permanent stains on the kitchen surfaces. Most importantly, poor quality water can lead to tissue damages to your skin or even can cause cancer!

For such reasons, water filtration is a must. Also, to stay hygienic and healthy always, there is no other way but to use freshwater.

How Do Water Filtration Systems Work

How Does a Homemade Water Filter Work

For the ability to dissolve different substances, water filtering is divided into two techniques. The 1st one is called physical filtration, and 2nd one is known as the chemical filtration system.

Physical and Chemical Filtration

The physical filter is more like a sieve that filters out the larger impurities in the water. Whereas in chemical filtration, the water passes through an active material that filtrates the water through chemicals.

Methods of Water Filtration

The filtering methods vary depending on the problems of water. Know the common issues and their solutions below.

Water Softeners for Hard Water

Hard water produces lime, which clogs pipes, reduces water pressure, and shortens the life of your appliances. It can also affect your body, causing the skin to be dry and itchy and your hair to be dull and friable.

Water softeners are used to remove hardness from water through the ion exchange process. It has the negative porous resin beads inside it that attract the positively charged ion of Magnesium and Calcium to allow the softened water flow.

Ultraviolet Purification for Parasites

Since water softeners can’t kill bacteria, algae, fungus, or parasites that are present in the water, we use ultraviolet purification to keep those things at bay. The UV light in this system damages the DNA of all the living organisms and also prevents them from reproducing.

Ultraviolet cleaning systems are most effective when the water is first treated with another filter, such as a sediment filter, as dirt and debris can remove microscopic bacteria, viruses, etc. But when water is pre-filtered, the UV cleaning system neutralizes over 99% of living organisms.

Sediment Filters for Earth Impurities

The UV purification system can’t make the job done when we talk about taking sand, rust, dirt, and clay out from the water.

In order to get rid of these things, we can use the sediment filter that works by filtering the machine, which means they prevent decomposition from entering the water. They have pretty small openings for tiny objects to pass through, but they allow the free flow of water.

Activated Carbon for Chlorine Water

When water is contaminated with chlorine, it damages dishes and other kitchen utensils — you’d end up with serious health issues if you use such type of water.

The main function of carbon filters is to remove chlorine from the water as well as the chemical taste and odor.

Hydrocarbon filters contain activated carbon, which has different pores on the surface and infrastructure. When water passes through activated carbon, organic things and chemicals are captured and modified through a process called adsorption, and, conversely, pure water appears.

Reverse Osmosis for Lime

Reverse osmosis means that dirty water is pushed under pressure through a membrane (actually a very fine filter) so that water passes through but contaminants remain.

Usually, it uses electric pumps that cost money to operate. Like activated charcoal, reverse osmosis is useful for removing certain impurities, including salt, nitrates, or lime. But it’s not that efficient when it comes to taking out bacteria.

Another disadvantage is that reverse osmosis plants produce a considerable amount of wastewater.

What Are the Advantages of Having a Full-House Water Filtration System?

There are so many benefits of having a whole house water filtration system, including:

  • It delivers maximum convenience and safety. Let’s say every single drop of water will be safe. Consequently, you can drink, bathe, cook food, wash off something, and so forth.
  • This Enhances the taste and smell of water.
  • The whole house water filtration system is also capable of protecting the water pipes from damages and such issues
  • Since you can have healthy water every single day, the chance of ending up with health issues is almost zero!

 What Are the Disadvantages of Having a Full-House Water Filtration System?

Alongside the advantages, there are some drawbacks of using whole house water filtration systems, such as;

  • It’s a bit expensive! You’ll have to pay top dollars for the whole house water filtration system.
  • You’ll have to take assistance from a licensed plumber to install it in your house. Again, it’s costly!
  • Water pressure might decrease at times, especially if you’re cooking, taking a shower, or doing laundry at the same time.


We tried so hard to show you everything about how does a water filtration system work. Water is unconditionally the most basic thing for every living thing. So the importance of keeping it safe is not only necessary but a responsibility as well.

Stay safe and have safe water!

You May Also Read: 

  1. DIY- Making Homemade Water Filter
  2. Buying Guides of Best Water Filtration System
  3. Easy and Simple Hacks to Clean Up Kitchen

Resource & References:

  1. Infographic
  2. Water Treatment Guides


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